Saturday, September 01, 2007


While reading through a few blogs, that are linked to Gary's blog, I came across a very helpful post on Gemma Roche's blog. Gemma quoted from a book that she has been reading through called "Doing Things Right In Matters Of The Heart" and added to that quote her own personal commentary, which I encourage all of you to check out as the honesty and genuineness of it has resonated with my own heart. Here's the quote from "Doing Things Right In Matters Of The Heart":

In matters of the heart, it is right that men should lead and women welcome and guide that leadership. She is helpmate (gen2v18). Her goal is to give her man all the help he needs to lead well. His goal is to humbly accept the responsibility and not run from it or wield it like a club.
The guidance that she provides him comes mainly in two forms: in helping him think clearly and encouraging him to act confidently. What comes from this is a shared victory. If it proves a mistake, it is borne together. Either way, what is fostered is true unity of spirit which is the heart of the matter, where the two become one. We have to work at it, but if we do, true unity is fostered and preserved in the complementary exchange of male leadership and female guidance.

Since Kerry and I got engaged, many thoughts and fears of inadequacy and failure on my part have flooded in at times. The fear of failure I mean is the failure to lead well, to live in the model that Christ Himself has displayed for us in His relationship with the church. At times in my own ignorance, and with my lack of understanding, I see the job of leading in a way that is not practical, never mind having to question its biblical roots. Thtat's why this quote is so helpful, and Gemma recounting her own experiences in a different relationship and different position in this "leadership struggle"-it shows the struggle is universal.
We know that what God has told us to do, in all areas and aspects of life and practice, are primarily for His glory but also for our good and benefit. So, when we obey the teaching given on the roles of husband and wife in marriage, Christ is glorified and exalted and seen clearly in the relationship and also the couple live in peace and unity and with a greater and deeper love resulting because we are living according to God's precept for marriage.
Obviously, we would hope, there would be few believers who get married for the sake of it, but because of the love for our future wives/husbands or, as the case is for alot of you, our husbands or wives. For this reason then, and for the glory of the Lord, we need to strive to live in this way. And the above quote helps shape it I think. It is a JOINT effort! The man leads and his wife helps him to see things that he may not already see and to clarify his thoughts and then encourages him to act confidently. Awesome! It's not the rule of the dictator but of the man who loves his wife so intently that he must do what is right firstly, before God, but secondly for his wife's good and pleasure. Obviously, i love Kerry a heck of alot and for that reason want to be a good man, a good husband, a good leader so that she feels safe, loved, respected, honoured and cared for. So, will you pray for me to this end? And if you want this same thought and prayer reciprocated, please leave a comment and I will be sure to remember you as we all strive to live and to love in the way that Christ has shown and commanded.

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