Saturday, February 16, 2008


Andy Naselli has a great post up on the subject of accountability. He has also posted a pdf form of questions that he, and his accountability partners, answer on a regular basis for each others viewing. A very worthwhile read!


jonny-kane said...

i read the subject on accountability by andy naselli, and i liked it esps when he mentioned about point 3. what can happen when you fill it out with a dis-honest heart. i would fully agree with what abraham piper said. and thats the key to it all. i want to be more honest to myself and to my friends and most importantly my God. as regards to the verizon's three way calling, i think that would down my road me been away from al of you's it would be good to set this up. so after all that you can count me in for signin up. ? when do we

Boaly said...

Thanks for emailing me this forn bro'
A great tool!