Friday, February 15, 2008

Youth in Ministry...

Last night Channel 4 ran a documentary called "Baby Bible Bashers". The programme added a whole new dimension of meaning to the term "youth in ministry". The programme covered, bits and pieces of, the lives, and ministries, of three young people. One was a 7 year old evangelist, another (featured in picture to the left) a 9 year old healer and upcoming "pastor", and, finally, a 12 year old female healer and evangelist. If I am being honest, the majority of the show freaked me right out, though, to be fair, some bits were worse than others.

What was not too freaky? I think the main, if not the only, thing that wasn't too freaky, was the fact that the father of the 7 year old evangelist seemed to be very genuine in his concern for the lost and for his son to develop that same zeal. He was trying, at different points, to warn his son of the dangers of street evangelism while affirming the constant nearness and call of God for evangelism to be carried out regardless of the dangers or problems. However, the fact still remains that the methodolgy employed, and the use of his 7 year old son was quite extreme. Not in that a 7 year old does not have his place in serving Jesus, but preaching is a big call for anyone, never mind a young child, who was basically mocked and jeered on the streets as he spoke out against abortion, evolution and called for the people to repent. It was quite sad at one point as the young boy sat down in tears as his dad was greeted with hostility in his attempts to speak. To know in what sense the methodology was etreme, you would have to have seen his sandwich board and his almost aggressive approach. The message of the Bible, and the gospel, always remain the same as it is unchanging and timeless truth. However, sometimes methodology has to change in an attempt to communicate those essential and fundamental truths to people who take reaction to particular methods. I know that in our culture here, in Northern Ireland, I probably sound like a heretic for saying it but most people will agree?!

What was freaky? The kid in the picture is a 9 year old Benny Hinn wannabe. Waving his tissue around for people to be healed and to fall over as "slain in the Spirit". The kids dad said that in the next three years (by the time he is 12), he will be the pastor of a 30,000 member strong church, in a church building worth millions! They are on a campaign for world domination with autograph signing, t-shirts and a ministry in which the 9 year old is the head director who has his dad amd granny working for him. Questions are: what is he preaching? how is he equipped to lead people? to what level is his personal knowledge of Jesus and the Word? And those are only a limited few. I am confused about the motivation of his parents as they are pushing him on in this venture. Surely there comes a point when the desire to see your child move on in the Lord, and doing things for Him, becomes excessive?

The 12 year old girl that was featured was shocking. She has been preaching since she was 3, and is now preaching to thousands and has been for quite some time. She travels to shanty towns and a particular prison, and other places, in Brazil (I think) and people travel to hear her hoping for an experience through her. In fact one girl said, "I have been searching for a faith for 24 years, and I have now found it in her". She is pipped as a minister of healing and deliverance. One major thing that sickened me was her dad schooling her for her "performance", basically telling her when she should raise her voice and become emotional in her delivery. I was dumbfounded!

A few things have come up today in my thoughts reagrding the programme that I will post on again. Did any of you see the programme? What did you think? Don't be frightened to leave a comment now!!

Update: if you go to, then follow through to the 4oD(4onDemand) section, you can stream the show on the web.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

must look out for a repeat. Sounds a bit nutts bro'.